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1. schaning
This card can be easier for consumers to call or send a message because the price is very affordable.


This advertisement really help consumers to send something good to someone is to package it.



his medication can relieve and alleviate the symptoms of influenza, and not just the influenza, Mixagrip also issued a remedy for cough and stiff Mixagrip


Aqua is the brand of bottled drinking water in the most eastern and pacific asia.

5.snob appeal 

This advertisement has a way to translate the ultimate pleasure by presenting a 365 magnum pleasure for pleasure seekers the ultimate choclate pleasureable experience presents 365 items or items that present the pleasure of Indonesian society as a car watches luxury bags which are all in the dressing luxury Belgian chocolate.

6.cause effect


fedex advertisements using the slogan the world on time offer fast delivery on time and do not interfere with the state and environmental
 7.ammotional appeal

Advertisement related to psychological needs of consumers to buy a product because of the emotional and feeling, for they can be more important than the knowledge of the attributes and knick knacks such products generally emotional appeal that involves happiness shock of fear and disgust appeal


Advertisement that teaches young people about freedom, liberty intent here is freedom but did not offhand responsible.



This advertisement says despite a 24-hour hair will remain smooth and has a lot to use it and the results are really proved. appeal


This ad has been proven fragrance and perfume is not only aimed at men but also to women, because when women are side by side with the men's fragrance that women will be more comfortable. bagon


This has been proven halal food and hygiene and a lot of consumers who travel to eat this.



advertising is likely to be confusidered misleading it,for example description illustration or claim about a material fact characteristic material characteristics include price availability and perfomce.

13.technical jargon 


advertising this bike is a yamaha launched tagline analysis in marketing their products to appeal to a new market, Yamaha did not want to use the term retro (which sagmented course) but uses the term (fhasionable) (dead wider style) promotional language that would use Scoopy retro but fino willing to use force.


advertising that give associations and insurers are very good for the community.

15.plain folks

adversiting featuring a general equation for the product.

16.glittering generality


These include isotonic beverage, can relieve thirst, safe to drink, and help the body recover.

17.avante garde 

users really like this sim card as it speeds the internet.

18. facts and figures

many uses this phone is able to chat with a variety of media such as yahoo, Gtalk. black berry messenger, and can chat with friends or colleagues in a foreign country, it is easy to mengetika, a gps that will guide you on the way, can open emai, send and receive, and dpat do browsng, receive rss dpat opening video, to connect with internet via WIFI and provided thousands of free applications or can be downloaded as needed.

19.weasel words

the pronunciation of the spoken ad full but empty.

20.wit and humor


This ad teaches that people are not asking for a little reward, or bribe and graft.



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MY KOCE Kadang terfikirkan jika saja mereka bisa berbicara aku ingin sekali bertanya kepada mereka mengenai makanan yang aku berikan kepada mereka, pertanyaan yang ingin kutanyakan ialah...   lebih enak mana ikan tongkol atau makanan petshop ?? HAHA Kebanyakan orang tua yang mempunyai anak perempuan yang umurnya sudah matang alias dewasa biasanya akan menanyakan mengenai ‘’jodoh’’. Dan biasanya lagi wanita yang sudah memiliki umur yang cukup matang bisa dikatakan sekitar 19-25 mereka akan dinikahkan oleh orang tua mereka, caranya berbeda-beda sih.. ada yang dicarikan jodoh dan adapula yang mencari jodohnya sendiri lalu menunjukan dan mengenalkan calon si wanita kepada orang tua mereka. Kebanyakan wanita yang sudah di suruh menikah oleh orang tua nya yaitu mereka yang tinggal di di daerah, saya megatakan seperti ini didasarkan oleh pengalaman mengenal teman yang tinggal di semua daerah di Indonesia, kebanyakan yang sudah menikah sejak berumur 19 mereka yang bertinggal d

tugas ke 6 ilmu sosial dasar masyarakat perdesaan dan masyarakat perkotaan

lili sahara 14612204 2sa04 TUGAS   VI   MASYARAKAT PERDESAAN DAN MASYARAKAT PERKOTAAN 1.   MASYARAKAT *Pengertian :   sekelompok orang yang membentuk sebuah sistem semi tertutup (atau semi terbuka), dimana sebagian besar interaksi adalah antara individu-individu yang berada dalam kelompok tersebut. *syarat-syarat menjadi masyarakat 1.Sejumlah manusia yang hidup bersama dalam waktu yang relatif lama 2.Merupakan satu kesatuan 3. Merupakan suatu sistem hidup bersama, yaitu hidup bersama yang menimbulkankebudayaan dimana setiap anggota masyarakat merasa dirinya masing-masing terikat dengan kelompoknya. *tipe masyarakat masyarakat paksaan, misalnya Negara, masyarakat tawanan, dan lain-lain masyarakat merdeka, yagn terbagi dalam : masyarakat nature, yaitu masyarakat yang terjadi dengan sendirinya, seperti gerombolan, suku, yang bertalian dengan hubungan darah atau keturunan masyarakat kultur, yaitu masyarakat yang terjadi karena kepentingan ked