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modal auxiliaries


Modal auxiliaries is  a verb that combines with another verb to indicate mood or tense. A modal (also known as a modal auxiliary) expresses necessity, uncertainty, ability, or permission.  Its function is to express the willingness or ability, necessity, and the possibility (probability).
The modal auxiliaries in English are : can, could, may, might, must, ought to, shall, should, will, and would.


CAN -  Can is a very common modal verb in English. It’s used to express ability, permission.
Examples :
1.     The car can drive cross country (ability)
2.    Can i borrow your car for one night (permission)

COULD - Could is used when talking about an ability in the past or for a more polite way to ask permission.
Examples :
1.       When I was younger I could run fast. (ability)
2.       Excuse me, could I just say something? (permission)

MAY - May to declare the possibility (probability) in the present and future and permission.
Examples :
1.       You may forget to bring this book tomorrow (possibility)
2.       May I use your phone please?  (permission)

MIGHT -  Might is used when discussing something that has a slight possibility of happening, or to ask for permission in a more polite way.
Examples :
1.       I might go on holiday to Bali next year (possibility)
2.       Might I suggest an idea? (permission)

MUST - Must can be used to express 100% certainty, a logical deduction or prohibition depending on the context.
Examples :
1.       It must be hard to work 60-hours a week (probable)
2.       She must not be late for her appointment (necessity)

OUGHT TO - Ought to have the same meaning as should, usually used in affirmative sentences in the present.
Example :
1.       You ought to revise your lessons

SHALL - used to express a simple future as will however only be used in the first person         I and we. and rarely used except for a polite question to first person.
Examples :
1.     We shall go there someday (simple future)
2.    Shall i give you some advice ? (polite question)

SHOULD -  Should usually implies advice, a logical deduction or a so-so obligation and permission.
Examples :
1.       You should see the doctor (advice)
2.       It should be a very quick drive to the beach today  (possibility)
3.       Should I come with her to the dentist? (permission)

WILL - to suggest an action or to be able to
Examples :
1.       John will go to his second period class tomorrow (action)
2.       She will see the difference (be able to)
3.       Will you  go to party with me tomorrow ? (for question)

WOULD - to suggest an action, advice or show possibility in some circumstances.
Examples : 
1.     She would go to the party, but she has too much homework. (action)
2.    That would be nice. (advise/possibility)
3.    Would you like to see my photo ? (for question)

1.     It’s a nice day................ we go for a walk
2.    Tom .......................... go to bad so late
3.    It’s a great movie,  you ................... see it
4.    ........................ you close the door please ?
5.    You....................... borrow my book if you turn in on tomorrow

Source :

Name : Lili Sahara
class : 4Sa04
Npm : 14612204


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