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SDL is an online translation that enables individuals and business with a simple way to translate documents, text, article, and pdf.

1.      Providing 43 languages.


1.      Not only translate web page as like Google Translate but also can translate the files/documents with format .doc, .docx, .xlsx, .odt, .pdf, .ppt, .pptx, .xml, .htm, .html, .its, and .txt with the maximum size 5MB.
2.      Digital content management and language solutions simplify the complexity of bringing translations, marketing, and technical content to global markets.
3.      SDL Translate is your go-to app for translation anywhere, anytime (translate on the go). Use SDL Translate Android app to communicate while you travel, chat with friends, or to help you learn a new language. With text to speech and seamless sharing.

1.      It can translate text into 43 languages for free with 10.000 words at a time.
2.      Not only translate web page but also can translate the files/documents with format .doc, .docx, .xlsx, .odt, .pdf, .ppt, .pptx, .xml, .htm, .html, .its, and .txt with the maximum size 5MB.

1.      The language is not natural. It is depending on the original text.
2.      Sdl cannot recognize the context of text and cannot translate idioms and phrase

1.      SDL cannot translate from pages of novel since they only translates it literally and couldn’t convey any figurative meanings that often meet in several novels.

1.      Open this web page on your browser

Choose the Source language that you want to translate into Target Language.

1.      Start type anything that you want to translate

1.      Click the green translate button

1.      If you want to translate files/documents, click “choose a file” button

Browse the files/documents that you want translate
1.      Wait the uploading process until is done

1.      Download the resultfiles/documents, click the download button.


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